What if I told you I had a magic pill that could do the following:
Decrease your risk of Obesity and Diabetes
Improve Blood Pressure
Decrease risk of Heart Disease
Treat Heart Disease
Decrease risk of Lung Disease
Treat Lung Disease
Decrease Risk of certain Cancers
Help suppress Cancer Growth
Decrease Depression/Anxiety/Stress
Improved Toxin Elimination
Decreased Risk of Arthritis and Osteoporosis
But the side effects included the unthinkable:
Increased Sex Drive
Improved Immune Response
Better Physique
Increased Energy
And it made you SMARTER!!! (increases intrinsic Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor)
Oh and I forgot… You can access it anywhere, and it can also be FREE if you choose!!! Watch our video of the day here!
This would be a revolutionary discovery for the world!!! The sad thing is that it already exists, and no pharmaceutical will ever come close to reproducing its benefits. The magic bullet is EXERCISE. Stop thinking of exercise as a weight management solution, a way to build muscle, or an excuse to eat what you want. Start thinking of it as a nutrient that your body needs and requires everyday to be healthy.
If you remember all the benefits to exercise you will stop being so resistant to it. Do it for you, your spouse, your business, your kids, your friends, do it because you want to be healthier, stronger, and better in all you do. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and watch it transform your health and life!
*If you struggle in this area one of the best things you can do is hire a professional to show you the basics and hold you accountable. We work with many awesome trainers, some of our favorites are at Golds Gym! 307-778-5500. Tell them we sent ya!
If you haven’t received enough incentive to exercise, we’ll give you one more tomorrow!! But for now, here’s tip #23!
Cheers to MOVING our BODIES!
Direct Impact on Immune System
Cardiovascular health
Pulmonary Health
At Risk Group