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Tip #31 - Ask Better Questions when it comes to health!


ask better questions (1)

We hope you have found these 31 tips helpful. Our promise is if you and your loved ones implement them, you will all be healthier and stronger in this time when it is most important. Today is the first day of school for many and our hope is you can take tip #31 and use it to make sure our children get back to a healthy productive school year and hopefully back to normal sooner than later. Here’s tip #31!

One of the most important things we can do right now is ASK BETTER QUESTIONS. The answers we receive will only be as good as the questions we ask. In other words, if you want a more intelligent answer, ask a more intelligent question. When we look at research, don’t just look for the answer to the hypothesis, ask other questions as well. Watch how quickly the conclusion of a study changes when you simply ask a different question.

As health and wellness experts we feel that we are missing the forest for the trees. In the times we are in, we have to constantly ask WHY? For example:

Children are an extremely low risk group for Covid so WHY do they have to wear masks? Don’t shoot straight to the easy answer that they have beaten into your heads.

Even IF they are positive for COVID, children seem to express little to no symptoms, and asymptomatic individuals contribute very minimally to the spread of this virus, so WHY do children have to wear masks?

Children are required to be asymptomatic to attend school, they are required to wear a mask, they are required to “social distance”, and they are required to “sanitize” upon entering school. How about we ask questions about WHAT this is going to do to them long-term?

If we know chronic illness is the primary problem with the pandemic (at risk group), then why are we encouraging prepackaged food? Why did we close gyms, dentists, and other wellness facilities, but leave McDonald’s, smoke shops, and liquor stores open during the beginning of the pandemic?

Be optimistic but also intelligently skeptical. If you start asking better questions about health you will start getting better health outcomes. Listen to the daily tip here!

With health, love, service, and integrity,

Livin’ Well


*PS. Once everyone gets settled in and finds their school routines, we will release our immune system workshop, so keep an eye on your inbox. Until then please review these 31 tips and implement as many of them as possible.


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